Please specify a username and password
below. Using your unique username and password, you can log
into the system to edit your application prior to submittal
and to check the status of your application after it is submitted.
Both the username and password should be short (5-10 characters)
and easy for you to remember. Make a note of your username
and password after you have created them because you will
need them to access the system in the future.
Please note that clicking the SUBMIT button at this step
of the process simply submits your contact information to
the Fund. An e-mail message confirming receipt of your contact
information will be forwarded to you (to the address you
have included in the submittal) after you click SUBMIT.
Submitting your contact information completes only the first
part of Step 1 of the information submission process. After
clicking SUBMIT, you will be able to login and answer a
series of 14 questions that must be answered to complete
Step 1 of the information submission process.
If, for some reason, you are unable to complete Step 1
of the information submission process at this time, please
refer to the e-mail message (noted in the paragraph above)
for the URL to be used to access your record and complete
Step 1 of the information submission process at a later
time. Alternately, you can visit and
log-in via the secure log-in feature on the home page. Your
submission will not be reviewed until you have completed
Step 1 of the information submission process. |