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The Right Business Plan

We see a lot of business plans. The ones that impress us are those that show professionalism, simplicity, dedication and clarity. Every company should develop and use a succinct written business plan to guide its operations.

We expect a company's business plan to clearly convey the potential of the investment opportunity. We don't expect a business plan alone to have all of the answers to every conceivable question. What's important to us is the quality of an idea, the nature of the opportunity, and the commitment management makes to achieving ambitious and attainable goals. While business plans come in many varieties, and there are a number of acceptable ways to structure and present a business plan, we look for several key elements when we evaluate a business plan.

Under appropriate circumstances, we're also interested in exceptional entrepreneurs who have only a raw idea and need help formulating the concept into a business plan. In this type of scenario, we can put together a program to incubate the idea in our offices with the help and support of our resources and network of contacts.